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NeCIPCo uses API keys and password to allow access to the API. You can request an user & password combination in .

The client starts authentication using the POST /auth/login service see Get authorization Token. If the authentication succeeds, a JWT token is dispatched to the client in the Authorization response header, with format Bearer #{token}.

The client can use this token to authenticate following requests for the same user, providing it in the Authorization request header, also with format Bearer #{token}

The Bearer #{token} is expected for NeCIPCo in all the API calls (except in login), the header looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer ey61tqga7aYQk1I1NiJ9.ksiwtags&qIyMDNmMDQxha729smdhsQwODgtOTlmOS00NzdkNTI1ZTNkZGIiLCJzdWIiOiIxNjE1NDlkNS02NDRiLTRkZjItYmZjOC00YjNkZjJlNmEzMjciLCJzY3AiOioajqtw536qYU1q(iwiYXVkIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE2MDc5NzU0NTgsImV4cCI6MTYwODA2MTg1OH0.9q5taGtw2-0Op1KDqizDKBSRE3Id7dAappWuDb0BaP0